Group Accident Insurance

A Group Accident Insurance for Companies and their Employees
A customised group accident insurance policy can be adjusted to suit the individual risk situations of your employees. Thus, it steps in where the statutory coverage reaches its limits, ensuring additional and entirely optimised coverage.
You benefit from an insurance package that is tailored to your needs. Your special wishes can be accounted for, as can your on-site situation.
Our staff will be happy to help you design your policy.
Modern Extensions of Coverage, e.g.
- Damages for pain and suffering (1,000 EUR)
- Modification costs (place of employment, car)
- Kidnapping compensation (up to 25,000 EUR)
- Improved disability scale
- Extended insurance cover for accidents caused by war and civil war
- Special infections caused by bites of insects
- Coma compensation (daily 50 EUR up to a max. of 200 days)
- Funeral expenses (2,000 EUR)
- Medical devices (max. 2,500 EUR)
- Sums insured for costs for cosmetic operations (max. 30,000 EUR)
- Sums insured for rescue costs (max. 35,000 EUR)
- Extended periods for occurrence of disability, documenting the disability in writing by a doctor and for submitting a disability claim to us
Medical Assistance abroad during Business Trips and Delegation
- 24/7-emergency hotline
- Contact between doctors
- Language support
- Information about medical care
- Worldwide organization of transfers, medical repatriation and repatriation of mortal remains (acquisition costs as part of rescue costs)
Rehab und Case Management
Medical Management
- Checking the quality of medical treatment
- Advice on the necessary and reasonable diagnostic and therapeutic measures and their implementation
- Identification and selection of qualified providers (doctors, therapists, hospitals, etc.)
- Creation of an individual rehabilitation plan and assistance in the implementation
Occupational Rehab Management
- Workplace analyses
- Comprehensive assistance for the preservation of the workplace
- Helping people to keep their jobs by reorganizing the workplace, etc.
- Identifying suitable training or retraining measures
Technical Management
- Advise on technical devices
- Special purchasing conditions
- Planning and coordination of a / an accessible living environment / working environment
Our Service
Travel and Security Information
Benefit from our free Travel Information Service. We provide information for all countries by listing websites of different Departments of Foreign Affairs. More
Your Contact Persons
Friedrich Prinz
Senior Claims Manager
Group Accident Insurance - Claims Management